I know from his Instagram feed that he’s always involved in drama, but that’s probably just part of his genius: he keeps the media conversation revolving around him to increase his relevance and billion-dollar fortune. Say what you will about him, but Kanye West is undeniably a jeen-yuhs, the title of a new Netflix documentary about him.
I’m going to buy the album, I’m going to download that m-–f-–, I’m going to shoot a bootlegger!” Like Chris Rock says in his comedic monologue on the MBDTF track “Blame Game,” “I gotta thank Yeezy. It was a true masterpiece that perfectly captured my mood and spirit. I listened to this album nonstop for YEARS and it never got old. Walking the streets and riding the subways of New York City with my iPod and Beats headphones, I listened to MBDTF endlessly on repeat. As it turns out, that was a defining moment in my musical education, because this album turned out to be my absolute favorite album of the last 10-plus years. One day, Robb gave me a digital copy of Kanye West’s new album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (MBDTF) and told me to tell him what I thought of it. We even met then-senator Barack Obama together three years earlier, a story I told in a previous blog project. (He was a big Nirvana fan and loved flipping through my copy of Kurt Cobain’s Journals.) He introduced me to hip hop artists like Kanye West and Kid Cudi, and I happened to introduce him to Childish Gambino (he became a huge fan). Robb was of Afro-Caribbean heritage and had a love of music like I did. In the fall of 2010, I was living in Brooklyn sharing an apartment with two friends, including one named Robb. Spinning a copy of MBDTF on my custom Technics turntable